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The following are also offered as standard programs for The Practice School to work with you to create specific competencies to address specific problems or to help you build a capability in these areas, so your organization can execute at a much higher level within your industry.  You need to grow, you need to increase net income accruing to shareholders.  These are the programs to help you take advantage of the opportunities within your industry.


The Corporate Practice School


We offer our MBX (Mastering Business Execution), DAX (Data & Analytics for Business) and S&S (Selling & Solutions Selling) programs as In-House programs for companies to address specific needs where such programs are needed to support broader transformation agenda.   In such cases, we design program with you from the ground up to make sure it is cost-effective and impactful to business outcomes.


The One Year MBX Program


You select employees and we guarantee knowledge and expertise transfer from Fortune 50 companies to you.....


The Practice School's 1-Year In-House MBX Program is how we equip your best employees to sustainably transform your business. That is our apprenticeship.


A company signs up corporate membership and nominates senior leaders who complete a functional cycle and become alumni through their respective sponsored organization.   


For companies, we offer 3 tracks for your senior leaders to master business execution skills that make a difference in your performance;



This is a 1-year program that allows The Practice School to take your entire Finance Leaders or identified high-potential Finance employees through a combination of sessions, on-the-job coaching and a series of carefully designed projects in your company.  



This is a 1-year program that allows The Practice School to take your entire identified high-potential employees who are likely to be future business leaders through a combination of classroom, on-the-job coaching and a series of carefully designed projects in your company. Emphasis here is on problem-solving, entrepreneurship and leadership.  



This is a 1-year program that allows The Practice School to take your entire identified high-potential business leaders or experienced hires through a combination of classroom, on-the-job coaching and a series of carefully designed projects in your company.  Emphasis is on strategy formulation, new business ventures, and leadership. 




 One Year In-House Program At-A-Glance

The Practice School has 2 enrollment cycles. Employees can either choose one of these entry periods;

  • Fall, September Enrollment

  • Summer, June Enrollment

Admission is based on nomination from the member companies who seek participation in the program.

Orientation (3 Day) – 1stWeek in September or June2018

The Practice School Program begins with a 3-Day intensive orientation called “Being On The Bench”.  Participants are required to attend the 3-Day session, where each participant gets introduced to the program and finalizes a program individualized for participant based on The Practice School’s consultations with senior management in respective companies.


First Half of Program

Session 1 (Quarter 1)

·              MBX Practice School for Managers

·              Growth Core - Corporate Entrepreneurship

·              Dimensions of Leadership

Company Project 1 Presentation

Session 2 (Quarter 2)

·              Benchmarking Workshop

·              Systems Thinking for Leaders

·              Execution – Getting Big Ideas Done

Company Project 2 Presentation


Session 3 (Quarter 3)

·              Fierce Leadership, Relentless Conversation

·              Program Track-specific module 1

Company Project 3 Presentation


Session 4 (Quarter 4)

·              Program Track-specific module 2

·              Program Track-specific module 3

Company Project 4 Presentation




Matriculation (3 Days)

Certificate of Completion: Mastering Business Execution (MBX) – The Practice School.

Program Notes 

All on-site project presentations are scheduled working with company to present to senior management. Project and progress updates via tele-conference, Webinars (10 sessions)



+ 233 20 030 0098

+233 24 671 2821

+ 1 860 800 1088

No. 7 Sam Nujoma Road,

North Ridge, Accra


© 2018 The Practice School

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